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Meet the Production Team

Jon Dokter 

Hello! My name is Jonathan Dokter and i am currently a senior at Lyman Briggs College studying Human Biology. I'm just another boring pre-med planning on applying to medical school so I can fulfill my ultimate goal: being called Dr. Dokter. Among other things, I enjoy playing soccer, singing terribly loud in the shower, and eating food. Other than that, I'm a pretty dull person. Seriously, ask my Mom, she tells me that all the time. Oh and if you watch Spongebob, then I think you're automatically an alright person.


I am the director of the film and I hope you enjoy the feature presentation. We also have some other individual directing work in which we examined George Perec and interpreted his idea in areas of East Lansing. Each person brought ideas and in the film we combined each person's ideas


Check out Jon's  award winning  PSA here



Tyler Messenger  
Digital Editor

I’m Tyler Messenger, I am a Biochemistry (Molecular Biology) and Computer Science Major here at Lyman Briggs. I currently have a research job in the Plant Biology Department of Michigan State, and hope to continue doing research after graduation. My hobbies include listening to music, hanging out with friends, and playing sports (not very well, but still).


As the digital editor for our project, it is my responsibility to bring all of our visions for the film to life, whether it is adding special effects, fixing a shaky camera, or just adding transitions between scenes. By doing this, I am directly helping our viewers understand our purpose: to give those who don’t understand gluten the knowledge needed to make their own decisions about a gluten free diet.


Check out Tyler's  PSA here


Alexander Lyons
MoOf and Website Master

Hi, I'm Alex. I am ​a Physiology Major at Michigan State University  Lyman Briggs College. My dream is to attend medical school in the fall of 2015. When I am not busy working hard, I enjoy watching and playing soccer, basketball, and football. I'm a big sports guy which is why I would love to be involved in a sports medicine career. 


As MoOF and Website Master I was responsbile with developing the Making of the Film and Website. I wanted to create a website that was not soley based on the documentary, but for helping those who do have gluten sensitivities and need some resources, especially those planning to study at Michigan State University. 

Check out Alex's  PSA  here 

Keith Wiley

My name is Keith Michael Wiley and my area of study is secondary science education. I hope to continue my educational career into graduate school after completing a year long student teacher internship in Detroit. When I am not working hard studying for my classes, I enjoy making music on my trombone, playing games, and relaxing with my friends.


We have a duty as a society to learn as much as we can about ourselves and our culture and right now, gluten-free diets are a part of that culture. The body of knowledge about health and medicine is growing rapidly and to not further that would be a catastrophe. I want to be the healthiest human being I can and I know I speak for more than just myself.


Check out Keith 's  PSA here

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